After three decades of devoted and committed work, we at Akvapan are proud of our achievements, transforming a small family business into a respectable company, recognized for the good quality of its products. Thanks to the commitment of our employees, we have managed to build a company capable of a fast and high-quality response to every challenge, a company that keeps building win-win relations with its partnerst. Akvapan today means a name that is synonymous with quality and fair business relations.

The Akvapan Engineering d.o.o. company’s permanent commitment is to deliver products and services of high and consistent quality in order to meet the increasingly complex demands and expectations of the users, as well as legal and other regulations in order to improve the company's results, prevent environmental pollution, preserve people's health and improve working conditions, thus ensuring a high level of satisfaction among its employees and all other stakeholders. The basis for ensuring the quality, safety and reliability of our products and services is the integrated management system (IMS), which forms the fundamental basis for performing daily activities and serves as a benchmark for sustainable development and improvements in dynamic market conditions.
Company goals
The goals of Akvapan engineering d.o.o. are determined by the framework set by the company's management, standards and regulations:

Efficient business operation
dedicated to meeting the
market demands and user needs.

Paying attention to quality
and its continuous

Improving the development
of personnel resources.

Cost rationalization
and profit realization.
the shared dedication of all our employees, defining the corporate business style and culture
of behavior.
At Akvapan, quality is a category
that represents philosophy and practice at the same time.
From the many years of
cooperation and work under
the supervision of the IMS Institute
in Belgrade, to the idea of
equipping our own laboratory
and the realization of the idea
resulting in the most modern and
well-equipped laboratory in this
region, fully certified and
independent in its work.
The company employs over 100 employees who are organized
within a single flexible business organisation unit that works to
improve products and services, maintaining reputation and winning new positions in the market. The quality, knowledge and ability
of each employee is continually acquired and constantly upgraded within the system. It is our strategy
that brings change in the approach, working habits and daily work.
The mission of the Akvapan engineering company is
the production at the highest technological level and the best
quality at competitive prices.
This defines some of the most important corporate values of the company, namely competitiveness, quality and customer loyalty.

Efficient business operation
dedicated to meeting the
market demands and user needs.
Commitment to customers is
the shared dedication of all our employees, defining the corporate business style and culture
of behavior.

Paying attention to quality
and its continuous

Improving the development
of personnel resources.
Kompanija upošljava više od
100 radnika koji su organizovani u jednu fleksibilnu poslovnu organizaciju koji rade na unapređenju proizvoda i usluga, zadržavajući renome i osvajajući nove pozicije na tržištu. Kvalitet, znanje i sposobnost svakog zaposlenog je nešto što se sistematski stiče i stalno unapređuje. To je naša strategija koja donosi promene u pristupu, navikama i svakodnevnom radu.

Cost rationalization
and profit realization.
Misija kompanije Akvapan inženjering je proizvodnja najvišeg tehnološkog nivoa i najboljeg kvaliteta po konkurentnim cenama. Ovo definiše neke od najbitnijih korporativnih vrednosti kompanije, a to je konkurentnost, kvalitet i lojalnost klijenata.